Friday, 1 March 2013

Chapter 9

As Arnav left with LA, Nani and Ratna started to talk about what just happened, Khushi took the kids inside the room, Nani wasnt happy at all with what was going she didnt like La at all, being a woman of traditions and rituals and wanting a simple bahu La didnt fit the discription at all, Ratna tried to calm her down she had decided not to jump conclusions regarding this, She wanted to talk to her son about it first. Inside the room Khushi was playing with Aartii and her doll set Annika was smiling and messaging on the phone and Anuj was playing with his ps. when suddenly Aarti said
Aarti: khushi didi khushi didi can i ask you something
Khushi: (smiled and said) off course kya poochna chahati ho gudiya
Aarti:  Didi who was that girl
Khushi: which girl
Aarti: that girl who was with Arnav mamma down (she asked innocently)
Khushi looked here and there hesitating to tell her, Anuj was hearing them he came and tapped Aarti on the head and said in a obvious voice
Anuj: Stupid thats his girl friend
Khushi looked shocked as to how Anuj knew she asked
Khushi: Anuj how do you know
Then Annika came from behind and then said
Annika: isnt it obvious didi the way he held her it showed that she was more than a friend (she said smirking like how Arnav smirks)
Aarti and khushi looked back shocked and then Aarti said
Aarti: will she marry maama, Didi i dont like her at all she is scary she is not like you
Khushi's heart started to beat as fast as lighting she clutched it tightly she didnt know why but hearing this that Arnav may marry that girl was making her sick to the stomach and she wasnt happy one bit, but again she didnt know why, Anuj and Annika called out to her but there was no response from her end, finally Anuj shook her and she snapped out of it.
Aarti: Batao na didi, will she marry him. i really dont like her
Khushi: No beta dont say like that i am sure she is very nice give her a chance.
Annika and Anuj just shrugged not caring Aarti didnt like La already and Khushi tried to figure out what was going on in her head

Meanwhile Arnav was with La, they were at the Golden Dragon having dinner Arnav was sitting around while la was going on talking away chatting away babbling nonsense which Arnav couldnt careless about.

La: SO ASR your family is quite conservative
Arnav: yeah they are
La: i hope they like me (she said nervous)
Arnav: (while looking at his phone checking his mail said) Give them some time they will ease in, they just met you
La: (she took the phone from his hand and then said) ASR dont be on your phone the whole day spend time with me.
Arnav looked at her blank not bothering to respond she held his hand across the table and then asked
LA: but ASR who was that girl with the children she looked so shocked to see me, BTW she looked so tacky in that salwar that she was wearing
Arnav flash back of Khushi came in his mind he noticed how she was seeing him, his heart started to pump and with out realizing a small smirk came on his face seeing her jelouse he never knew why but he was enjoying to see her like that. He snapped out of it when LA said
LA: why are you smirking tell me, ASR who is she
Arnav: (suddenly realizing he said in an angry voice) i am not smirking, and i would never smirk for that girl (suddenly anger taking over him of why he was thinking so much of her)
LA: (sensed something weird and then tried to change the topic) ASR forget it, ok tell me about the up coming fashion week
They talked at dinner, with LA doing most of the talking and he just pretending to listen to her, but his mind else where. When he came back he was going up to his room when he decided to check upon the children if they were sleeping or not and so he went to their room opening the door he couldn't find them. A streak of worry rushed on his face not finding them he went to the hall the kitchen nani's room his mothers room, annika's room but no sign of them he was about to scream at the top of his voice when he noticed the guest bed room which was Khushi's room, he slowly opened the door, and walked inside it was dark only source of light coming in was that of the moon light which streamed down from the window, he looked towards the bed and there they were sleeping together, with Khushi in the middle Aarti cuddled into her, Anuj on one side and Annika on the other. Khushi's arms were around all of them. They all fell asleep together there was a book on her chest she must be reading to them. Arnav found them so cute they were so at peace as they lay their heads. They looked so much like his sister a small tear trickled from his eyes when he remembered her. Then he slowly came ahead and took the book and placed it on the table near by his eyes went on to the angle who was sleeping so peacefully she looked beautiful her face serene and calm. A warmth spread through him seeing her like that a sort of relief came upon him, he was realizing a bit that she was warm to the children. A few hair flicks were flying over her face he slowly shifted them to the back of her ear and she nuzzled a bit feeling his caress. He moved away quickly not wanting to disturb her at all. His heart wanted to sit their all night and watch her sleep what was it about her that kept attracting him to her. why what was so special in her she was an ordinary middle class woman, then why what was it that caught his eye. But he snapped out of it when the voice in his head screamed
Arnav: (in his head) What is wrong with you why are you paying so much attention to her, she is not worth it dont forget what you are and what she is, she cant match up to ASR standards you know it get up and walk away she is good for the kids and thats why you are tolerating her thats all remember she is nothing more to you.
Anger again spread in him he looked up at her and closed his fists in a tight ball, his eyes glaring at her emotions changing he was heavy in his head he got up and left from there shutting the door behind really hard not worried if he would wake them up. He went to his room. Khushi got up with a big stark hearing the bang she switched on the light and then looked around the three kids were snuggling to her she smiled at them, she was going to get up to find out what the noise source was when she realized that if she got up she would disturb the children and so she shut the light off going back to sleep.


  1. both of them are starting to have feeling for each other ut both of them are confused....Love your writing i cant belive i didnt read this story before :/ how can i miss it? Loved the chapter :) :)
